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Mental Health

Celebrating Farmers and Ranchers

We want to take a moment on National Ag Day to recognize our country's hard-working farmers and ranchers. We depend on you to supply food, fuel, and fiber while working in tough conditions. It's a critical job that most people don't understand or appreciate.
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March 19, 2024
Mature woman wearing a pashmina leaning on a railing and looking out at the sunset over the ocean
Mental Health

Take Care of Your Mind for a Healthy Heart

Getting a call that a loved one had a heart attack sends our stomach into knots. We all want to avoid that kind of news and reduce the risk of cardiac crisis. Did you know that mental health and heart health are linked? Studies show that stress, anxiety, anger, and depression can raise your risk for high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, and other heart problems. And having a heart attack can lead to anxiety, depression, and PTSD.   Understanding how mental and heart health are connected is key. It can help you take steps to improve both. Here are some…
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February 5, 2024
Strategies to cope with the "winter blues"
Seasonal Mental Health

Coping with the “Winter Blues”

Do you feel gloomy when the seasons change? Does your energy level get sapped? You may have the "winter blues" or seasonal affective disorder (SAD). SAD is a type of depression that's related to the changing of seasons. In the winter, it can be caused by things like shorter days, colder temperatures, less sunlight, and less activity. Here are some things that can help SAD: Be active - connect with friends, take on projects, learn new things, and help others. Spend time outside on sunny days to get more vitamin D.   Exercise to reduce stress and make you feel happier.  …
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December 20, 2023