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Suicide Prevention
Suicide Prevention: Helping Someone in Crisis DepressionMental Health

Suicide Prevention: Helping Someone in Crisis

The tragedy of suicide affects thousands of people in the United States every year. The moment of desperation leading to suicide can happen to anyone, regardless of their age, gender, or background. If you know someone who is thinking about suicide, it's essential to take their feelings seriously and offer support. If you are feeling very sad or hopeless, please reach out for support.  Recognizing the Signs of Suicide Risk It's really important to recognize the signs of suicide. When we notice someone might be in trouble, we can offer help early. This might even save their life. Understanding these…
Learn to Live Team
July 6, 2023
Many new moms fact postpartum depression after having a baby
Postpartum Depression and Support for New Moms Depression

Postpartum Depression and Support for New Moms

Postpartum depression is a common problem that many new moms face after having a baby. It can make them feel sad and tired. Postpartum depression is not something to be ashamed of or feel guilty about. It is a real medical condition that can be treated. With the right support and care, moms can feel better and enjoy being a mom.   Becoming a mom means stepping into a new role. New moms go from "me to we". There are many challenges that new moms face as they step into this new role. It's really hard. In fact, 50-75% of new…
Learn to Live Team
June 30, 2023
When Pregnancy Loss Leads to Grieving the Role of Motherhood
Pregnancy Loss: Grieving the Role of Motherhood Depression

Pregnancy Loss: Grieving the Role of Motherhood

Questions like "Do you have children?" or "How many children do you have" seem harmless but hit us like a two-by-four when we are sitting with loss. May is Maternal Health Awareness, but pregnancy loss does not have a time limit. The care and healing can take days, weeks, months, and even years. By the end of this article, the hope is that you will have tools to help in such a fragile time.   If you have lost a baby, please know you are not alone. I understand the pain because even though I am a mom, I've also gone…
Learn to identify and examine your thoughts
Wait, upon further examination, things look different… Mental Health

Wait, upon further examination, things look different…

How Learn to Live Delivers CBT: Part 4 Thoughts affect our feelings Around here, we put a lot of consideration into our approach to thoughts. Our cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) programs include the idea that your cognitions (thoughts) - the C in CBT-affect how we feel and that idea can change our worlds. That realization was central to the cognitive revolution that was led by pioneers like Aaron Beck and Albert Ellis. So, their ideas are integrated into our programs. To examine our thoughts, we must first identify them. We introduced the sentence stems I created several years ago (e.g.,…
Dr. Russ Morfitt
June 27, 2023
Coping with loss
Coping with Loss and Change Depression

Coping with Loss and Change

Almost all of us have suffered from some form of loss in the past-the death of loved ones, the loss of a job, or the realization that a dream would not be fulfilled. We experience these losses differently, but there is a way to process the loss that can lead to growth. Psychologist William Worden developed a model of grief that recognizes that we all grieve in our own way and yet identifies certain common tasks that allow any of us to grieve well. We have slightly modified it here, but retained the idea that these tasks do not have…
Learn to Live Team
June 16, 2023
Let’s celebrate this Pride month by focusing on mental well-being and self-care!
Celebrate Pride by Prioritizing Your Mental Health Mental Health

Celebrate Pride by Prioritizing Your Mental Health

Mental health is an important part of overall health. The LGBTQ+ community can experience social stigma and discrimination, which can have a negative impact on mental health. Let's celebrate this Pride month by focusing on mental well-being and self-care! Here are some ideas: Attend a Pride parade to connect with others. Show support for LGBTQ+ rights. Look for a safe space to connect with a support group. Give back to the community. Volunteer for LGBTQ+ causes. Take part in LGBTQ+ cultural events. Look for art exhibits, film festivals, or concerts. Have fun and learn something new. Do something creative to…
Learn to Live Team
June 16, 2023