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May is National Mental Health Month. If you're on a college campus you may have seen signs promoting social anxiety and depression awareness. Or if you've been reading the news you may have seen some recent coverage of the same. We're always excited to see these issues getting more national attention because realizing you're not alone is such an important step in overcoming these issues.

At Learn to Live we’re dedicated to providing encouragement, resources, and strategies to help people overcome their social anxiety. Our main focus is our program allowing members to access internet-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. We’d like to do something special to celebrate National Mental Health Month. I’ll let my colleague and co-founder, Dale Cook, provide you with the details.


Dr. Russ Morfitt and Dale Cook, Co-Founders of Learn to Live


My name is Dale Cook and I am the co-founder and CEO of Learn to Live. I’d like to tell you about a special discount that we are offering in celebration of Mental Health Month. In an effort to make help for social anxiety available to as many people as we can, we’re cutting the price of our online Social Anxiety Program in half through the end of this month.

You can save 50% on the Learn to Live Social Anxiety Program by clicking here and using code MHMONTH at checkout
. The entire 8-course program is only $74.50 with this special offer. Offer ends May 31 at midnight CST. Continue reading to learn more about the program and the positive results that our 1,500+ members are already experiencing.

The Learn to Live Online Social Anxiety Program

The Learn to Live Social Anxiety Program is an online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Program that is confidential, accessible at home and as effective as the most potent in-office psychotherapy.

The 8-course Program challenges sufferers to engage with their social anxiety through multi-media and CBT-based exercises and activities. It also allows sufferers to enlist friends, family, or others as Teammates, who can support them throughout the process. The Program was developed by our own Dr. Russ Morfitt, who has over 16 years of experience successfully treating patients with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and manages the CBT Center, a specialty anxiety clinic he founded in Eden Prairie, Minnesota.

How Effective is the Social Anxiety Program?

Studies have shown that online CBT is at least as effective as face-to-face Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Members of our Program have experienced a significant reduction in their level of social anxiety as demonstrated by an average reduction of 21 points on the Leibowitz Social Anxiety Scale (LSAS). The LSAS is the main social anxiety test that we use at Learn to Live. Learn more about the Leibowitz Social Anxiety Scale or take this free social anxiety test now.

A 21 point LSAS reduction means that our members on average experience a change from "severe" social anxiety to "moderate, or from "marked" social anxiety to "mild." For many sufferers, these results mean they are able to live their life more fully and finally participate in the events and relationships that they have so often watched from the sidelines.


Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale Learn to Live


What Members of our Social Anxiety Program are Saying

You don't need to take our word for it. Here are some emails from members describing what it's like to live their life more fully:

"My progress is incredible. Things are really changing for me, and I feel so much better and more able to live."
–Sylvia H.

"I am extremely happy with my progress. I feel confident going out and eating with others with little to no concern as to what people are thinking of me. This is leaps and bounds ahead of when I first started the Program!"
–Andrea J.

"The biggest progress I've made is actually thinking about whether my thoughts are correct. The Program has given me more confidence that possibly my first "flight" reaction, and my first thought about what others may think about me, may not be right!"
–Evan R.

"Lesson 6 was probably my favorite. It was interactive, fun, educational, and helpful. I felt like the Lesson really emphasized me taking control of my life."
–Jennifer R.

“Doing the assessment at the beginning, and reading the goals I initially set and how much progress I’ve made towards those goals, was really effective in helping me understand just how much I’ve grown, and all the ways in which social anxiety affects my life.”
–Sandra G.

Want to hear more?  Find the full list of Learn to Live member reviews and testimonials here.

Thank You

We hope you’ll take the time to consider the Learn to Live Social Anxiety Program, and we are thrilled that you are taking the first steps towards overcoming your social anxiety. It wont be easy, but it will be worth it. To take full advantage of the resources we offer, please connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.  We frequently share videos, information, and even the occasional meme to brighten your day.

See you in the Program,

Dale Cook