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Young adult women might be more likely to use substances for a few reasons. Not all young adult women use substances, but some may be more at risk because of certain things.

Peer Pressure

When you're young, you want to fit in with your friends. Sometimes young women might feel pressure to try things like alcohol or drugs just to be accepted.

Trying New Things

Young adults are curious and want to experience new things. Some might want to try substances just to see what it is like. Others may want to rebel against rules from their parents or society. 

Dealing with Stress

Being a young adult can be stressful. Women in this age group might face big changes like going to college or starting a job. Sometimes, substances are used to cope with stress or to feel better when they're feeling anxious or upset.

Feeling Insecure

Young women often feel pressure to look a certain way because of what they see on social media. This can make them feel bad about themselves. Using substances might be a way to deal with these feelings or to escape from negative thoughts.

Influenced by Media

Movies, TV shows, and social media can have a big impact on young adults. If they see substances being used in a cool or normal way, they might think it is okay to try them too.

Mental Health Issues

Sometimes, substance use is connected to mental health problems like feeling sad or anxious. Young women who have these issues might use substances to try to make themselves feel better.

Remember, not all young adult women will go through these things or use substances. But knowing about these reasons can help us understand why some might be more likely to use substances. It also helps us support and teach them so they can avoid or deal with these issues. 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Can Help Reduce Substance Use

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a helpful way to treat substance use problems in young adult women. CBT helps by changing negative thoughts and behaviors related to substance use. Here’s how it can help: 

Changing Thoughts

CBT helps people identify and change negative thoughts that lead to substance use. By changing their thinking, young women can feel better about themselves and learn healthy ways to cope with problems. 

Learning Coping Skills

CBT teaches useful skills to handle stress, cravings, and things that make them want to use substances. Women can learn healthier ways to deal with emotions or stressful situations, so they don't need substances to feel better.

Avoiding Relapse

CBT helps people understand why they use substances and find ways to prevent going back to old habits. They learn how to spot situations that make them want to use substances. They also learn how to solve problems without using them.

Addressing Mental Health

CBT helps young women understand and manage emotional issues that might lead to substance use. It teaches healthy ways to deal with things like anxiety and depression. 

Feeling Empowered 

CBT helps women feel in control of their lives and believe in their ability to change for the better. It builds their confidence and self-esteem. Self-esteem makes it easier to stop using substances. 

CBT gives practical skills and strategies that help women make lasting changes and improve their well-being.