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Mental Health

The Importance of Social Connections Mental Health

The Importance of Social Connections

Social wellness is an important part of overall well-being. It means having positive and healthy connections with the people around you like your family, friends, co-workers, and others in your community. Building positive social connections can help you live a happier and healthier life. Here are a few tips to develop more social wellness: Spend time with people: Make plans to be with your family, friends, and people in your community. The time spent together fosters a connection with those individuals, while contributing to your own sense of belonging - which is important for your well-being. Be a good listener:…
Learn to Live Team
June 7, 2023
Practice self-care during menopause
Boosting Mental Health during Menopause Mental Health

Boosting Mental Health during Menopause

Menopause occurs at the end of a woman's reproductive years. It can have a significant impact on mood. It can also impact emotions and mental well-being. Women going through menopause might experience any of the following: Mood swings Anxiety and/or depression Poor sleep Trouble thinking clearly Stress and irritability Decreased self-esteem Negative body image Not all women will have these mental health effects during menopause. For women who do experience mental health challenges during this phase of life, there are several strategies to consider. Strategies to Improve Mental Health During Menopause Stay physically active: Regular exercise can have a positive…
Learn to Live Team
May 26, 2023
Changing automatic negative thinking traps with CBT
When the simplest answer is the most memorable and compelling Mental Health

When the simplest answer is the most memorable and compelling

How Learn to Live Delivers CBT: Part 3 When I was working in an inpatient mental health unit, I began an effort to focus groups on evidence-based cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). We needed a topic that busy nurses could lead on Sunday nights. We picked one that was simple, but very useful: automatic negative thinking traps (ANTs).  Many group members were new to the concept of ANTs, but I noticed that people remembered it. Even if they forgot everything else, ANTs stuck.  What ANTs Really Are ANTs aren't the same as the emotion-causing thoughts, like I'm going to fail this…
Dr. Russ Morfitt
May 9, 2023
The more normal we make conversations about thoughts, emotions, and life challenges the easier having these conversations will get.
Talking with Your Teenagers About Mental Health Mental Health

Talking with Your Teenagers About Mental Health

Talking to your teenager (or a teenager you know) about, well, anything, can be difficult. As conversations around mental health become more common, we must consider the mental health of everyone - especially teens. The more normal we make conversations about thoughts, emotions, and life challenges the easier having these conversations will get. And we know that one conversation can be pivotal when it comes to getting a young person facing a mental health challenge the help they may need. Here are some tips to make having these conversations a bit easier: Be genuine. Use your words and actions to show them that you…
Learn to Live Team
April 27, 2023
Ripple effect: preventing depression by helping people sleep better
Ripple Effect: Preventing Depression by Helping People Sleep Better InsomniaMental Health

Ripple Effect: Preventing Depression by Helping People Sleep Better

When I started creating content for the Learn to Live Insomnia program a few years ago, the research was clear—the single most powerful thing we can do for vitality-draining insomnia is take a serious look at the “what-if” thinking patterns that keep us forcibly awake, and our well-intentioned behavior patterns that undermine efforts to right the bobbing ship of sleep.
Dr. Russ Morfitt
April 14, 2022
Be Active to Better Your Mental Health
Be Active to Better Your Mental Health DepressionMental Health

Be Active to Better Your Mental Health

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a therapy model that is known for getting people to change their thoughts in order to affect their feelings, freeing them up to reengage in the activities they used to enjoy. Research shows that the reverse is also true. Reengaging in these life activities can also positively impact our emotions. This means that changing our thoughts is important over the long term, but there are other things we can do to see immediate results.
Dr. Russ Morfitt
September 27, 2021