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Dr. Russ Morfitt

You Aren’t Alone PanicStress & Anxiety

You Aren’t Alone

In my experience as a psychologist who treats anxiety, panic attacks, and phobias, I have seen people isolated and excluded by the disorders. My focus is, of course, on helping them conquer the problems. But during the process of learning the CBT tools to overcome the problem, how do they put one foot in front of another?
Dr. Russ Morfitt
February 26, 2013
Do Therapy DepressionMental HealthStress & Anxiety

Do Therapy

I've spent much of the last 14 years of my career providing talk therapy in my office for problems like anxiety and depression. Or at least that's the term that has been informally used for everything from the active Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) I have been providing to the complex Freudian lie-down-on-couch-and-tell-me-about-your-dreams therapy still offered a few places.
Dr. Russ Morfitt
December 14, 2012